Outstanding Care for Core Decompression Surgery

EmergeOrtho’s orthopedic surgeons treat the hip for sports injuries, congenital/developmental disorders, acute and persistent hip pain and other injuries. We treat these conditions with a multifaceted approach in order to preserve your hip. These approaches include non-surgical as well as surgical procedures, including arthroscopic, minimally invasive, and open procedures.

What is core decompression surgery?

Core decompression surgery is used to improve the blood supply to the bone when there is osteonecrosis (avascular necrosis or AVN).

Osteonecrosis occurs when bones die due to decreased blood flow. In addition to pain, it can also cause degenerative osteoarthritis. While it can occur in any joint, it most commonly occurs in the hip. More than 20,000 Americans each year are hospitalized for osteonecrosis of the hip.

During core decompression surgery, holes are drilled into the hip to create channels so vessels can deliver blood to the affected area. Healthy bone or bone marrow may also be transplanted from another part of the body (bone grafting) and used to help restore the damaged hips.

Who is a candidate for core decompression surgery?

Anyone who shows signs of osteonecrosis may be a candidate for core decompression surgery, depending upon the extent of bone damage. Symptoms of osteonecrosis include:

  • Aching or throbbing pain, particularly in the groin or buttocks
  • Pain when moving the hip joint
  • Difficulty standing
  • Difficulty putting weight on the affected hip

Because Osteonecrosis can cause serious complications later, early diagnosis ensures the best outcomes. We’re dedicated to using our extensive expertise to help tailor a treatment plan that is right for you, helping you in a manner that is professional, compassionate and knowledgeable.


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