Harnessing The Mind-Body Connection to Control Chronic Pain
EmergeOrtho’s clinical psychology department addresses both the psychological (mind) and physiological (body) components of a condition, as well as the interaction between the mind and the body.
Using a cognitive-behavioral approach, behavior medicine specialists can help patients better understand the interaction of their thinking, feelings, and behavior. We work with our patients on developing the necessary skills to recognize and change automatic thoughts and non-helpful core assumptions. Patients are then assisted in making the necessary changes in thinking and behavior to better manage negative feelings.
How can psychology change a physical problem?
The physiological component involves not only helping patients understand the way their mind influences their body, but also developing techniques that assist them in altering their body’s reaction. This can include relaxation skills such as relaxed breathing, as well as behavioral changes such as pacing activity or building in pleasure and playfulness.
This treatment philosophy is designed to help patients develop greater control over their thoughts and behaviors so they are better able to live a more enjoyable and rewarding life.
Is a clinical psychologist part of my overall healthcare team?
Our behavioral medicine specialist works with you, any family members who need to be part of your treatment plan, and your other healthcare providers to individualize your care and maximize the benefits of all your treatment.
How long do I need to be seen?
We set specific goals that can usually be accomplished in four to eight sessions. You can also have a one-time consultation for suggestions to help you cope with pain and maximize your rehabilitation success.