Ladi Omitoogun, PT, DPT

Ladi Omitoogun, PT, DPT

Physical & Hand Therapy

Triad Region

Greensboro | Physical and Hand Therapy

Ladi Omitoogun is a physical therapist. He is a graduate of Winston-Salem State University earning a Doctorate of Physical Therapy. Following graduate school, Ladi returned to Greensboro, where he was raised. At EmergeOrtho Triad Region, Ladi is puts all of his efforts towards his patients.

He is thorough in his patient evaluations and provides individualized care to his patients. Ladi stays up-to-date on the latest research and is always looking to advance his skills. He is sincere, encouraging, and confident in his approach to patient care.

Ladi is a valued member of the EmergeOrtho Therapy Services Team and the community. He has volunteered with the Urban Ministry, Special Olympics, and YMCA. Ladi has served as a YMCA youth basketball and soccer coach. Ladi’s enthusiasm in providing physical therapy, his curiosity in clinical education/research, and light-hearted personality is extraordinary.


  • Graduate Education:
    • Doctorate of Physical Therapy, Winston-Salem State University, Winston Salem, NC
  • Undergraduate Education:
    • Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, University of North Carolina Charlotte, Charlotte, NC


  • American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
  • Orthopedic Section of APTA
  • North Carolina Physical Therapy Association (NCAPTA)

Specialties & Services

EmergeOrtho is full of wonderful doctors! They make sure they go over every little thing and explain stuff so that you understand. I have 4 different doctors here and have been pleased with them all.

Michelle M


They treat you with respect take the time to understand what your needs are and work toward that gold of fixing the problem. Very professional in everything they do I love going there for treatment can't say that about many healthcare systems. I recommend EmergeOrtho to everyone I see.

Ronnie W


A New Level Of Orthopedic Care Has Emerged

As our patient, you will benefit from a full range of orthopedic services, specialties and technologies, including physical and hand therapy, advanced imaging services, and urgent care walk-in services providing immediate diagnosis and treatment for urgent orthopedic conditions.

The contents of the site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the site (“content”) are for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the site.

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