Hearing a popping or cracking sound in your shoulder when you move your arm—a condition called crepitus—can be completely normal and is not necessarily a sign of an injury or underlying condition. However, if you have shoulder pain and popping, clicking, grinding, or other unusual noises coming from the joint, seeing a doctor can prevent further injury.
Understanding the Shoulder Joint and Shoulder Popping
To explain why you may be experiencing shoulder popping, it is useful to first explain how the shoulder joint works.
The shoulder joint is a ball-and-socket joint. The ball is the end of the upper arm bone (humerus), which connects to the socket in the shoulder blade (scapula); the bone rests inside a cup-like structure made from cartilage called the labrum.
In many cases, especially if you do not experience pain, a popping or clicking in the shoulder is harmless. It could be a gas bubble that releases with joint movement, similar to what you experience if you crack your knuckles. For these reasons, painless popping is usually not concerning.
However, if the popping is caused by an injury or associated with pain, it is definitely worth seeing a specialist for an evaluation and diagnosis. Popping associated with a recent injury should also warrant a visit to EmergeOrtho.
When Your Shoulder Pops and Hurts
If shoulder popping is accompanied by pain or becomes bothersome, you should see a specialist. This video from EmergeOrtho’s Dr. Shepherd Rosenblum explains the pain associated with shoulder issues and some of the treatment options:
Shoulder-popping pain should not be taken lightly. Pain indicates an underlying issue that can be addressed to bring you relief. Learn more about the conditions that cause popping and see a specialist if you experience pain and immobility.
The Most Common Causes of Shoulder Pain and Popping
So what are the causes of shoulder pain and popping? Some of the most common include cavitation, osteochondroma, bursitis, bone fractures, labral tears, and arthritis.
Sometimes, just lifting your arms during a workout or any other activity, especially if you do it quickly, can cause air bubbles in your joints to pop. Called cavitation, the phenomenon is similar to what happens when you crack your knuckles. Doctors do not know why this happens, but as long as you do not have pain, you do not need to worry about the noise.
Sometimes, the shoulder popping is caused by a benign bone growth on the scapula, shoulder, or rib cage. Again, popping or clicking noises are usually the only symptoms, and there is no cause for concern until you have pain. Rarely, if the bone growth causes other problems, it will need to be surgically removed. Possible symptoms include:
- A painless bump that you can feel
- Pain when active
- Numbness or tingling
- Changes in blood flow
Scapulothoracic Bursitis
Joints are protected by fluid-filled sacs called bursa, which help protect the joint and keep it moving smoothly. When the bursae become irritated or inflamed, usually from overuse or an injury, you may experience:
- Redness
- Swelling
- Pain
- Fever, if it becomes infected
Bursitis treatment is usually conservative. Rest and immobilization, icing to reduce swelling, and over-the-counter pain relievers are effective in many cases in reducing inflammation and pain. Some people benefit from cortisone injections, as well. If the bursitis is due to trauma (such as a hard fall), then the bursa may need to be aspirated to remove the fluid.
Surgery is rarely needed to treat bursitis and is only performed when other methods are ineffective. The surgery may remove fluid or the entire sac.
Bone Fractures
If you fracture your shoulder in an accident and it does not heal correctly, you may hear grinding or popping noises when you raise your arms. Even if you only had a hairline fracture, uneven healing can create ridges. Your muscles may rub against these ridges, causing a grinding sound.
Symptoms can vary in type and severity depending on the fracture. Possible symptoms include:
- Grinding and popping with movement
- Pain
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Limited mobility
- Deformity
Because shoulder popping can continue long after a fracture has healed, it is best to seek medical care as soon as possible after an accident or injury, even if you do not think anything is broken, to support proper healing.
Labral Tears
If you hear a popping noise any time you use your arm and have consistent pain and discomfort, you may have a torn labrum. This injury is usually caused by a hard fall, a direct blow, or a sudden hard pull on the joint. Symptoms include:
- A feeling of instability and weakness in the joint
- Pain, especially when lifting the arm overhead
- Popping, locking, and grinding
- Pain at night or with activities
- Decreased range of motion
- Shoulder dislocation
Initial treatment is usually rest, anti-inflammatory medication, and physical therapy. In some cases, this is enough to heal the injury.
However, if they are ineffective, surgery to repair the labrum is necessary. Depending on the extent of the damage, the surgeon may only need to remove the torn tissue, or they may need to reattach tendons to the labrum using screws or pins. In either case, rehabilitation involves physical therapy to regain strength and mobility in the joint.
Grating, grinding, and cracking noises when you move your shoulder can be a sign of osteoarthritis. Arthritis causes the cartilage that cushions the joints to deteriorate and the noises could indicate that bones are rubbing against each other. Symptoms of osteoarthritis in the shoulder include:
- Pain that gets worse with activity and over time
- Limited range of motion
- Stiffness
- Popping, grinding, and clicking
Treatment for arthritis usually involves anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, and other pain relief measures. However, if the joint degenerates significantly, shoulder replacement surgery may be an option to consider.
Preventing Shoulder Pops and Injuries
Prevention is best when it comes to any type of joint injury. By exercising to strengthen the muscles around the joint and improve flexibility and mobility, you can reduce the risk of injuries that cause pain and popping.
A physical therapy program can provide you with appropriate exercises for a weak shoulder or if you are susceptible to injuries. It is important to target and strengthen all of the muscles that affect the joint, including the deltoids of the shoulder, the upper back, the biceps and triceps in the arm, and the smaller muscles that support the joint.
Shoulder Popping FAQ
What Does It Mean When My Shoulder Pops?
In many cases, a feeling or sound of popping in the shoulder is simply a gas bubble bursting and nothing to worry about. It could also be an old injury causing tissue to rub against the bone.
Why Do I Have Shoulder Pain and Popping When Lifting My Arm?
If shoulder popping is accompanied by pain, the cause is likely an injury or arthritis. It could be bursitis, a labral tear, or a bone fracture.
Can a Popping Shoulder Heal Itself?
If there is no underlying issue, popping in the shoulder is not cause for concern. Many minor injuries that cause popping heal with time and rest. More moderate or severe injuries require treatment.
Learn more about shoulder conditions and how we treat them. If you have concerns or questions, make an appointment with one of the doctors at EmergeOrtho-Triangle Region to learn why and develop a treatment plan. You can schedule an appointment online, or call us any time at (919) 220-5255.