Expert Care for All Types of Wrist, Hand and Finger Sprains and Fractures

EmergeOrtho’s skillful orthopedists understand how important it is for you to emerge from your sprain or fracture ready to get back to work, school or your favorite hobbies. Therefore, it’s crucial that sprains and fractures—particularly finger fractures—are handled by a physician who has extensive experience in treating these specific injuries.

If not detected and diagnosed early, these conditions can cause severe and lingering pain and seriously limit mobility.

What’s the difference between a sprain and strain?

A strain occurs when a muscle is stretched or torn. A sprain occurs when a ligament is stretched or torn.

Strains are often the result of overuse or improper use of a muscle, while sprains typically occur when a joint is subjected to excessive force or unnatural movements (e.g., sudden twists, turns, or stops).

Sprains can be categorized by degree of severity:

  • A first-degree sprain stretches the ligament but does not tear it. Symptoms include mild pain with normal movement.
  • A second-degree sprain is characterized by a partially torn ligament, significant pain and swelling, restricted movement, and mild to moderate joint instability.
  • In a third-degree sprain, the ligament is completely torn with mild to severe pain, swelling, and significant joint instability.

You should seek treatment from one of our finger, hand and wrist specialists if you are experiencing:

  • Swelling and discomfort
  • Changes in range of motion
  • Inability to carry or open objects without pain
  • Pain in your fingers, particularly when grasping objects
  • Warmth or redness
  • Difficulty stretching the affected wrist, hand or finger.

Operative Fixation of Finger Fractures

Because our fingers are so important for us to perform everyday activities, finger fractures and other conditions that disrupt daily activity should be treated as soon as possible. If the fracture causes instability or a deformity in the finger, fixation may be necessary to repair the bones in the fingers using pins, screws, or plates. If the fracture can be held with pins, an incision is not needed. The surgeon will realign the bones and place a pin through the skin and into the bone. The pin sticks out of the end of the finger so it can be taken out after the fracture heals.

However, if an incision needs to be made, it will be made on the finger where the fracture is located and the surgeon will insert screws into the bone to secure the fracture. In some cases, a metal plate may need to be placed and held in with screws. Once the fracture is secured, the incision is closed and the finger is bandaged and placed in a splint.

This procedure is normally done on an outpatient basis. After about three to six weeks, the pins are taken out but screws and plates are not taken out unless there are problems. Therapy will often be necessary for the hand to strengthen after the fracture is healed and the splint is taken off.

If a finger fracture is disrupting your daily life, you can trust one of our highly trained experts to give you the best care possible. EmergeOrtho is a leader in treating conditions of the finger, hand and wrist and understands how vital these are to performing everyday activities. Let us help you emerge stronger, healthier, and better.

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The contents of the site, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the site (“content”) are for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the site.

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